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Helping business embed
sustainable resilience


We simplify the complex....

Understanding the environment, delivering new standards in best practice and governance, providing clarity from a crisis and building a trusted working relationship which gives you confidence and performance.

We have been committed to helping organisations succeed for over twenty years. Experience gives our clients around the world assurance in addressing specific risk shapes, how improvements can help sustain their resilience, overall performance and simplify their operational models.


Building sustainable resilience includes deploying our knowledge, experience and understanding and creating a stronger crisis and incident management culture when its needed at high pressure times.


Our goal is to forge honest and rewarding long term relationships, by providing subject matter expertise and delivering expertise.  Our passion for sustainable resilience delivers award winning services, exactly when you need them.

"Their forward-looking prognosis of where resilience is heading should be listened to at all levels in organisations. They are a true resilience sages. Armstrong's ability to draw out the real issues, understand the context and apply the right solution to the right problem,

was one of the defining periods of my career to date. I try to practice what they preach. "

Professional Man Holding a Tablet

Sustainable Resilience

Sustainable resilience runs across all aspects of our organisations today, driving stakeholder security. Today's smart 

programmes incorporate agile 
intelligence and horizon scanning. This includes environmental analysis, 365 risk, identification, assessment and protection. Tailored to simply meet individual business needs.

Iyengar Class

Performance Management

Performance management delivers against strategic goals and benefits directly from activities identified through analysis, operations, resilience and business systems improvements. Good performance intelligence streamlines and enhances business operations and delivery, managing resources and costs in the world you live in.

Information & Cyber Security

The joined-up approach of resilience addresses both physical and digital ‘cyber’ security. Traditional good governance frameworks are being reshaped by increasing sophisticated threat activities, regulatory and legal requirements, best practice and stakeholder concerns.

This key responsibility demands simple steps to easily identified issues with quick, effective, experienced actions that drive a targeted response and recovery. 

Person Analyzing Data

Operational Resilience

Creating a holistic strategic framework that allows people, processes and information systems to adapt to changing interconnected functions which navigate an uncertain world whilst focusing on your stakeholders

The challenges in industry range from performance, regulation to good business practice and governance. 

Strengthening a robust ability to become agile in a rapidly changing environment.

Similing Team

Crisis Management

Successfully managed incidents have common traits. The capture of critical activities in pre prepared, simple to execute, action orientated plans allows an experienced team to rapidly respond. Ask any Crisis Manager, experience is the key.


Understanding clearly the anatomy of a crisis, how it is identified, including 

everyone’s role, authority and responsibility is a key to top performance when it matters.

Business Meeting

Validation, Exercising & Training

Embedding skills and experience is the pathway to achieving assurance through validation. A foundation stone to embedding resilience into any organisation. Ensuring skills are learnt and can be transferred builds both awareness, familiarisation and comfort.

Experience and well rehearsed processes are the tools allowing people to perform well during the high and unfamiliar pressures of incident management.

Technology Resilience

The continual adaption of new technologies leverages great benefits, transformational impacts are often difficult to be anticipated or clearly owned.


Legacy, current and future systems need resilience strategies that align them not only to the key business processes but also have the benefit of enhancing performance, increasing availability and protecting customers.


Disaster Management

The successful management of an incident is key to the ability to contain impacts and further threats by executing on strategic decisions. Having an experienced business 'friend' is critical to address the fast paced issues of crisis management. Finding the quickest routes to resolution is key to damage limitation and the restoration of recovery management, securely and at speed.

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